Sunday Dec 10, 2017
Episode 47: A Much Needed Course Correction...
Sunday Dec 10, 2017
Sunday Dec 10, 2017
Prepare yourselves NOTHeads... In this episode of Not Another Nerdy Podcast, the "Curtain" is being pulled waaaay back in order to reveal some awful truths & finally correct the course of the show for NOTNation! Since J-Money recorded the last episode without D-Rock, Mr. 110% decided to record this one without The Man Who Brings The Money! Ironically, Derek also enlisted the help of a certain "Aussie" we may all know... Mr. Nate Appleby of the Aussie & The Pom Show! Needless to say, the recent ambivalence & absolute dysfunction of these Not Another Nerdy Co-hosts has taken its toll on everyone in the NOTNation, resulting in a sudden & brutally honest on-air intervention of sorts from someone who can only be described as a Ghost of Podcasts past! Who is this unexpected Whistle Blower? Can D-Rock & J-Money finally get their S#@% together? Will this Drama ever end so that we can get back to the Nerd talk? Most importantly, does The Aussie regret ever getting mixed up with this show? You'll just have to Listen & find out...
Always FREE & EASY to Subscribe, Download, Listen & Share on Podbean, Apple podcasts, Stitcher or Google Play! Be a proud supporter of your favorite dysfunctional podcast & give these Boys a 5 Star Review on Podknife.com ...write something silly for them to share on their next show! Follow all of the @NOTpodcast1 MAGIC on Social Media & help them Spread that Word of Nerd!!!
Saturday Dec 09, 2017
Episode 46: Better Late Than Never, Right Bo?
Saturday Dec 09, 2017
Saturday Dec 09, 2017
Come On Home NOTHeads... Come Home To NOTNation! After an agonizing 3 Week Hiatus, Not Another Nerdy Podcast is BACK! I'm sure you're all wondering... What could possibly be the reason for this unexpected & unexplained Break? Co-Host scheduling conflicts & petty in-fighting? Someone forgot to hit the Record Button? An utter Lack of Commitment & desire? Well... That's NOT really important. What IS important is the fact that J Money finally said "Enough is ENOUGH" & took over the Hosting duties! D-Rock & Iron Mike were apparently unavailable (Or were they?) so Money got some help from Down Under, calling on Nate "The Aussie" Appleby from the Aussie & The Pom podcast to join him in discussing the new Justice League Movie, as well as some Avengers Infinity War Teaser trailer talk! Also, Money lets us know whether the Star Wars Battlefront 2 Video Game should be DELETED or NOT! Plus all of the typical nonsense & Nerdy chit chat that you've all been missing from your 3rd favorite NON-weekly podcast!
Always FREE & EASY to Subscribe, Download, Listen & Share on Podbean, Apple podcasts, Stitcher or Google Play! Be a proud supporter of NOTNation & give these Boys a 5 Star Review on Podknife.com ...write something silly for them to share on their next show! Follow all of the @NOTpodcast1 MAGIC on Social Media & help them Spread that Word of Nerd!!!
Monday Nov 13, 2017
Episode 45: Thor Ragnarok Review & A New Era Begins!
Monday Nov 13, 2017
Monday Nov 13, 2017
Who needs a Bo NOTHeads? The remaining Hosts of Not Another Nerdy Podcast are pretty sure that they don't & they're back in this episode to prove to us all that even though Tom may be gone, the show MUST go on! Mr. 110% himself, D-Rock has returned to take over the main Hosting duties, while the Man who brings the Money, J-Money is now also the Man who does the editing! Mrs. D-Rock AKA Carly Asia (Ooooh!) guest hosts this week as the NANP Crew discuss Disney's recent announcement regarding ANOTHER Star Wars Trilogy, helmed by The Last Jedi Director, Rian Johnson! Then the Boys & girl give us a full react & review of Marvel's latest movie... Thor: Ragnarok! Plus all the usual random conversation that you've come to expect from your sixth favorite podcast! Always FREE & EASY to Subscribe, Download, Listen & Share on Podbean, Apple podcasts, Stitcher or Google Play! Be a proud supporter of NOTNation & give these Boys a 5 Star Review on Podknife.com ...write something silly for them to share on their next show! Follow all of the @NOTpodcast1 MAGIC on Social Media & help them Spread that Word of Nerd!!!
Saturday Nov 04, 2017
Episode 44: So Long Bo & Thanx For NOThing!
Saturday Nov 04, 2017
Saturday Nov 04, 2017
Is it the End of an Era NOTHeads... or a Blessing in Disguise? On this episode of Not Another Nerdy Podcast, One of the Hosts & Co-Founders of NOTNation says "Bye Felicia" to podcasting, as Tom VanZandt (AKA Senor Bo) records his Last NANP episode with 2 (TWO!) of his Magic & Metal Co-hosts! For reasons that Tom can't wait to hear, Mr. 110% D-Rock didn't show up for Bo's Final episode but fortunately everyone's favorite Farmer, "Iron Mike" joins J-Money to say farewell... But First, the Boys discuss & analyze the newest Star Wars: The Last Jedi trailer! Also, J-Money gives a quick, dirty & somewhat spoilery review of the newest sequel in the Saw movies... "Jigsaw". Then, Bo & Farmer Mike share their adventures & stories from Bing Comic Con 2017, including Mike's fate after competing in an "Art Fight" as well as an uncomfortable conversation about a VERY excited Spider-Man in the Bing Cosplay Parade! Finally, in honor of his departure, J-Money shares some of NOTNation's Top 3 Favorite Tom moments from the past 43 episodes & even brings a special, surprise NOTHead on to personally say Goodbye! It may seem like a sad day but don't worry NOTHeads because Not Another Nerdy Podcast WILL continue & you will be getting more of the Magical, Tangent-filled & Conversational podcast that you've come to expect next week, the week after & Beyond!
On behalf of all NOTNation... Derek, Farmer Mike & J-Money would like to wish Tom the best in all of his future endeavors... Good Luck Senor BO!!! Don't be a stranger.
Always FREE & EASY to Subscribe, Download, Listen & Share on Podbean, Apple podcasts, Stitcher or Google Play! Don't be Bitter... Be BETTER and give these Boys a 5 Star Review on Podknife.com & write something silly for them to share on their next show! Follow all of the @NOTpodcast1 MAGIC on Social Media & help them Spread that Word of Nerd...
Saturday Oct 28, 2017
Episode 43: Halloween is MAGIC!
Saturday Oct 28, 2017
Saturday Oct 28, 2017
Don't be scared NOTHeads... On this week's episode of Not Another Nerdy Podcast the Boys discuss & debate their Top 3 favorite Horror Movie/Franchises! Can these three agree on anything? If you listen regularly you already know the answer. Before that, D-Rock shares some nerd news about NOTNation's favorite Pink Mountain Lion, Snagglepuss! Also J-Money tells us about rumors regarding a possible big change for a fan favorite Avenger character in an upcoming Marvel movie & Mr. 110% is NOT happy about it! Finally, Tom has some Bad news to share with NOTNation that will undoubtedly change the future of Not Another Nerdy podcast... but probably for the better! Always FREE & EASY to Subscribe, Download, Listen & Share on Podbean, Apple podcasts, Stitcher or Google Play! Don't be a Quitter... and give these Boys a 5 Star Review on Podknife.com & write something silly for them to share on their next show! Follow all of the @NOTpodcast1 MAGIC on Social Media & help them Spread that Word of Nerd...
Saturday Oct 21, 2017
Episode 42: Retro World Expo Review & A Star Wars Trailer Too
Saturday Oct 21, 2017
Saturday Oct 21, 2017
Get in full Nerdy mode NOTHeads! On this episode of Not Another Nerdy Podcast, the man that gave us our Logo, Mr. Mark Masztal stops by to tell the Boys all about the upcoming Bing Comic Con 2017! Because 4 people on a podcast apparently aren't enough... this week, everyone's favorite Farmer, Iron Mike joins the crew to talk about the Retro World Expo Video Game show that he attended with J-Money. Then the guys discuss & review the new trailers that just dropped for the New Mutants movie and more importantly... Star Wars The Last Jedi!!! Plus all of the usual ridiculous & random conversation you've come to expect from your 5th favorite podcast! Always FREE & EASY to Subscribe, Download, Listen & Share on Podbean, Apple podcasts, Stitcher or Google Play! Don't be a HUGE Loser who blew a Video Game tournament that you easily should have won... and give these Boys a 5 Star Review on Podknife.com & write something silly for them to share on their next show! Follow all of the @NOTpodcast1 MAGIC on Social Media & help them Spread that Word of Nerd...
Tuesday Oct 10, 2017
Episode 41: New York Comic Con 2017... NOTNation Recap!
Tuesday Oct 10, 2017
Tuesday Oct 10, 2017
Start Spreading the News NOTHeads! This is the one you've all been waiting for... The Not Another Nerdy Podcast Crew have somehow survived & are BACK from New York Comic Con 2017 with in-depth tales of the Convention including Celebrity Run-ins, Comic Book Back issue hunting, Con Exclusive deals, Cosplay sightings & so much more! Did D-Rock find time for the Gym? How was J-Money's Cosplay Booze Cruise that he's been talking about for months? Does Tom actually stalk Robert Kirkman, creator of The Walking Dead? Was The Pope able to make it to New York for his "Nerd on the street" interviews? Who almost got into a fight with the Legendary Bruce Campbell??? All these questions will be answered for you soon enough NOTNation! Always FREE & EASY to Subscribe, Download, Listen & Share on Podbean, Apple podcasts, Stitcher or Google Play! Don't be a cranky old B-Movie Actor that won't take a selfie... Give these Boys a 5 Star Review on Podknife.com & write something silly for them to share on their next show! Follow all of the @NOTpodcast1 MAGIC on Social Media & help them Spread that Word of Nerd...
Sunday Oct 01, 2017
Episode 40: New York Comic Con 2017 Hype Train
Sunday Oct 01, 2017
Sunday Oct 01, 2017
ALL ABOOOOARD the Train NOTHeads! On this episode of Not Another Nerdy Podcast, the Boys are getting Hyped for their upcoming trip to New York City, New York, USA, Earth Milky Way for NEW YORK COMIC CON 2017!!! Tom discusses his plans to unleash NOTVanGuard1, (THE Official Drone of NOTNation) upon an unsuspecting City, D-Rock plans to RAGE like a Tweeting Runner on Steroids & J-Money plans to NOT fall off the Boat while on the Cosplay Booze Cruise! Ah, the Best laid plans... But the important question is will everyone make it there & back??? Plus, Money gives us a Spoiler-free quick & dirty Movie review of Kingsman: The Golden Circle! Always FREE & EASY to Subscribe, Download, Listen & Share on Podbean, Apple podcasts, Stitcher or Google Play! Don't be a 40 year-old NeckBeard living in his parents Garage... Give these Boys a 5 Star Review on Podknife.com & write something silly for them to share on their next show! Follow all of the @NOTpodcast1 MAGIC on Social Media & help them Spread that Word of Nerd...
Saturday Sep 23, 2017
Episode 39: Letters For The Love Of Money
Saturday Sep 23, 2017
Saturday Sep 23, 2017
Can you believe IS it supposed to Snow NOTHeads? On this episode of Not Another Nerdy Podcast, the usual crew welcomes J-Money's friend & our #2 NOTHead Kelley Goddard to the show as she joins D-Rock, Bo & Money for a very special amazing new segment that we like to call "Love Letters To Money"... But first, everyone spends waaaaay too much time making fun of "Smash To Piece Theatre", a new podcast that Tom is doing with Nate from Aussie & The Pom. Also, there's NOT much Nerd News to discuss but a few quick hits including the announcement that (as Tom predicted) JJ Abrams will be returning to Direct Star Wars Episode IX! Our guest Kelley offers a Quick & Dirty review of the Horror Movie "IT" & The Boys share memories of & give a touching tribute to the Late Great WWE Manager/Announcer Bobby "The Brain" Heenan! Always FREE & EASY to Subscribe, Download, Listen & Share on Podbean, Apple podcasts, Stitcher or Google Play! Don't be a 13 year-old Girl writing awkward Love Letters... Give these Boys a 5 Star Review on Podknife.com & write something silly for them to share on their next show! Follow all of the @NOTpodcast1 MAGIC on Social Media & help them Spread that Word of Nerd...
Sunday Sep 17, 2017
Episode 38: Hasbro Toys Hascon 2017 Review & Some Nerdy Stuff Too
Sunday Sep 17, 2017
Sunday Sep 17, 2017
OH NO! Look Out NOTHEADS! It's another episode of Not Another Nerdy Podcast! On this show the Boys are joined by Special guest & long time friend of Senor Bo, Mr. Sean "OB" O'Brien who attended Hasbro Toys Hascon 2017 & gives NOTNation an in-depth review of the convention, while also explaining what it's like to meet an actual "Brony"... but first, J-Money has some nerd news about upcoming X-men Movies, while Tom is scraping the bottom of the barrell for things to talk about & actually brings up Harley Quinn's 25th Birthday! As usual, D-Rock has nothing to contribute but at least he showed up this week. Plus, Who the Hell IS Tom's Watto Statue??? The mystery continues... For now. Always FREE & EASY to Subscribe, Download, Listen & Share on Podbean, Apple podcasts, Stitcher or Google Play! Don't be a Nasty Rampaging Monster like "GODZILLA"... Give these Boys a 5 Star Review on Podknife.com & write something silly for them to share on their next show! Follow all of the @NOTpodcast1 MAGIC on Social Media & help them Spread that Word of Nerd...